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Choose one
GB, Geek of Business
GC, Geek of Classics
GCA, Geek of Commercial Arts
GCM, Geek of Computer Management
GCS, Geek of Computer Science
GCC, Geek of Communications
GE, Geek of Engineering
GED, Geek of Education
GFA, Geek of Fine Arts
GG, Geek of Government
GH, Geek of Humanities
GIT, Geek of Information Technology
GJ, Geek of Jurisprudence (Law)
GLS, Geek of Library Science
GL, Geek of Literature
GMC, Geek of Mass Communications
GM, Geek of Math
GMD, Geek of Medicine
GMU, Geek of Music
GPA, Geek of Performing Arts
GP, Geek of Philosophy
GS, Geek of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.)
GSS, Geek of Social Science (Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
GTW, Geek of Technical Writing
GO, Geek of Other
GU, Geek of 'Undecided'
G!, Geek of no qualifications
GAT, Geek of All Trades (usually precludes other G descriptors)
Or enter multiple values as in G
It is said that "clothes make the man". Well, I understood that I was made by a mommy and a daddy (and there's even a category to describe the process below!). Maybe the people who made up that saying aren't being quite that literal...
Choose one
d++, I tend to wear conservative dress such as a business suit or worse, a tie.
d+, Good leisure-wear. Slacks, button-shirt, etc. No jeans, tennis shoes, or t-shirts.
d, I dress a lot like those found in catalog ads. Bland, boring, without life or meaning.
d-, I'm usually in jeans and a t-shirt.
d--, My t-shirts go a step further and have a trendy political message on them.
d---, Punk dresser, including, but not limited to, torn jeans and shirts, body piercings, and prominent tattoos.
dx, Cross Dresser
d?, I have no idea what I am wearing right now, let alone what I wore yesterday.
!d, No clothing. Quite a fashion statement, don't you think?
dpu, I wear the same clothes all the time, no matter the occasion, forgetting to do laundry between wearings.
Geeks come in many shapes and sizes. Shape code is divided into two parts. The first indicates height, while the second indicates roundness. Mix each section to fit yourself. Examples include: s:++ , s++: , s++:-- .
Choose one
s+++:+++, I usually have to duck through doors/I take up three movie seats.
s++:++, I'm a basketball/linebacker candidate.
s+:+, I'm a little taller/rounder than most.
s:, I'm an average geek
s-:-, I look up to most people. Everyone tells me to gain a few pounds.
s--:--, I look up to damn near everybody. I tend to have to fight against a strong breeze.
s---:---, I take a phone book with me when I go out so I can see to eat dinner. My bones are poking through my skin.
Or enter Height code
and enter Roundness code
The only way to become a true geek is through practice and experience. In addition, if you wish to give your exact age, you can place the number after the 'a' identifier (in Terran years and BASE 10). For example: a42
Choose one
a++++, I have my own PDP-11 in my basement and use it as a BBS and web server. Does this qualify ?
a+++, I had a Micral-32, Altaïr or Apple 1. I know what a computer is made of when there are no ICs.
a++, I had an Apple ][ at home, a Sony Discman in '84, and an iPhone 1 in 2007. I knew a world without Microsoft where SDS ruled.
a+, I had an Oric-1 in '83, a Data Bank watch in '86, a Discman around '90. I first knew Microsoft for its BASIC in my computer's ROM.
a, I had an Amstrad CPC 464 in '88, an ADSL 'modem' in '99, and an iPhone 4 in 2010. Now I'm project manager.
a-, I think programming in Java, Python, Pascal or FORTH is a Geek attitude, given everybody else uses a C dialect.
a--, A Geek like me has a Blackberry, an iPad and a Connected TV. I send a lot of SMS and I know some C.
a---, My older pals at school are Geeks, or I became a Geek becase of my grandchildren's gift.
a----, I saw a Geek once, at school. He was sending a MMS with a video attached. It's cool and cowl.
a-----, My Daddy is a Geek and that's why I'm here.
a?, immortal
!a, it's none of your business how old I am
Showing off
Some Geeks still see an interest in trying to show off or involve themselves for the education of masses. The others already gave out, taking for good that 95% of people, using Wintelsoft PCs, are lost for good : morally, intellectually and mentally lost.
Choose one
c++++, I never lose an occasion to fight ignorance. I wear Firefox, FOSS or *AMP t-shirts at work.
c+++, Never a tie, and cool pants. I always tell the truth, to anybody and regarding any thing.
c++, A 'fun' tie or nothing, and only casually. I generally give away my advice on every thing.
c+, Correct dress, sometimes a neutral t-shirt. It may happen that I give away my advice without being asked for it.
c, I gave up : whomever is interested by The Truth just has to search a bit on Internet. Correct dress, no more.
c-, No suit except when facing customers ; I sometimes give away my advice regarding technological topics.
c--, With my dark suit, it may happen that I wear a coloured tie. I seldom express myself freely.
c---, Sometimes a decontracted dress on Friday, else dark dress and tie. I give away my advice only when asked for.
c----, I never give away my personal advice, even in IT. I wear a dark dress and tie even at home.
c?, I must be quite conformist, because I don't even see what I could choose here.
!c, I refuse to give away my advice, even here.
Most geeks identify themselves by their use of computers and computer networks. In order to quantify your geekiness level on computers, consult the following (consider the term 'computers' synonymous with 'computer network'). This category represents "general" computer aptitude. Categories below will get into specifics.
Choose one
C++++, I'll be first in line to get the new cybernetic interface installed into my skull.
C+++, You mean there is life outside of Internet? You're shittin' me! I haven't dragged myself to class in weeks.
C++, Computers are a large part of my existence. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is log myself in.
C+, Computers are fun and I enjoy using them. I can use a word processor without resorting to the manual too often.
C, Computers are a tool, nothing more. I use it when it serves my purpose.
C-, Anything more complicated than my calculator and I'm screwed.
C--, Where's the on switch?
C---, If you even mention computers, I will rip your head off!
The Geek usually knows all the electronic devices around, but always develops a preference. Tell us which one is yours.
Choose one
B++++, I entered the OS at the key panel. I don't like my actual system. Too easy.
B+++, I can use anything ; I only regret not having entered the OS at the key panel.
B++, I use anything except PCs ; PCs are for dummies. At worst I use an octo-core watercooled overcloked PC.
B+, I use PCs but I avoid Intel processors as much as possible. I know other systems.
B, I regret my Cyrix, Zylog, AMD or Motorola based machine, with a GUI not being Windows.
B-, I'm not ure whether I use a PC or a Mac. I'm not really interested by what's outside the keyboard-screen-mouse.
B--, I exclusively use wintel PCs (no AMD processors, only "Intel Inside")
B---, The PC is nice to really work 100% IBM, and as console to an IBM mainframe with VMS.
B----, I work on VMS but I regret my VAX and even more my PDP-11.
B?, A machine is to be put on, used seamlessly during work hours, then shut down. That's all.
!B, I prefer not to tell you which machines I do prefer.
Linux is a hacker-written operating system virtually identical to Unix. It was written for and continues to run on your standard 386/486/Pentium PC, but has also been ported to other systems. Because it is still a young OS, and because it is continually evolving from hacker changes and support, it is important that the geek list his Linux ability.
Choose one
L+++++, I am Linus, grovel before me.
L++++, I do kernel debugging and I have so many patches installed that I lost track about ten versions ago.
L+++, I use Linux exclusively on my system. I monitor comp.os.linux.* and even answer questions sometimes.
L++, I use Linux ALMOST exclusively on my system. I only boot to DOS to play games.
L+, I've managed to get Linux installed and even used it a few times. It seems like it is just another OS.
L, I know what Linux is, but that's about all.
L-, I have no desire to use Linux ; there are better OS like DOS, or Amiga-OS or, better yet, another free Unix OS like FreeBSD.
L--, Unix sucks. Because Linux = Unix. Linux Sucks. I worship Bill Gates.
L---, I am Bill Gates.
One of the characteristics of the Geek is his propension to search 'the perfect tool' for each task. As such, in programming, the choice of the text editor is primordial and reveals your Geek personnality.
Choose one
u++++, an hexadecimal editor on all platforms. If possible the one I created.
u+++, emacs on *nix, with home-made eLISP macros. Text input in the DOS console on PC.
u++, vi on *nix, a Notepad offspring on Windows (with macros).
u+, vi on *nix, Ultra Edit or the like on Windows.
u, vi on *nix, Notepad on Windows. Nothing else.
u-, TeX, Wordpad, or a basic standard word processor.
u--, vi on *nix, a Notepad offspring on Windows (with syntaxic colouring).
u---, I work on Mac and thus I don't even know what I'm using. But it works nicely.
u----, An editor based on Eclipse (Java) or nothing. Anyway, I know only those ones.
u?, A text editor ? Microsoft Word, no?
!u, I refuse to answer because vim has no keyboard shortcut to do so.
World Wide Web
It's relatively new. It's little understood. Everybody's doing it. How much of a web-surfer are you?
Choose one
W+++, I am a WebMaster. When I'm not on my normal net connection, I surf the web using my Newton and a cellular modem.
W++, I have a homepage. I surf daily. My homepage is advertised in my .signature.
W+, I have the latest version of Netscape, and wander the web only when there's something specific I'm looking for.
W, I have a browser and a connection. Occasionally I'll use them.
W-, Web=pain. Now people won't even consider your ideas unless you use bandwidth-consuming pictures and pointless information links.
W--, A pox on the Web! It wastes time and bandwidth and just gives the uneducated morons a reason to clutter the Internet.
Now that the Web is everywhere (including TV), it is important for the Geek to know where he's standing.
Choose one
H++++, The web is a programming place to me. I do websites all the time. In Open Source. In Perl, PHP or Python.
H+++, I can use multiple techniques to generate valid (D)(X)HTML, but I prefer PHP. I use the W3C Validator.
H++, I'm webmaster of at least one webite. This leaves me time to surf a bit. I don't know PHP.
H+, I do some programming in Java, Domino or Asp.Net (C# or VBS). I even saw some HTML code once.
H, I activelt participate in a few forums, but else it's more for Google and P2P.
H-, I sometimes write in forums, but it's more for the yellow pages, Bing and P2P.
H--, I read some specialized forums (fixed assets, markets, cars...) and I do some P2P.
H---, It seems to me that I've been there once, but I didn't get it. It's like a Minitel in graphical mode?
H----, I haven't discovered the Web yet. I'm trying to locate it.
H?, Web what? What's 'web' ? It's like the 'www' on Internet addresses ?
!H, I can't answer this question, because I forgot to use and I'm on the home PC.
Windows (tm)(c) is apparently still there for a while, thus tell us how you progrm this graphical user interface which pretends to be an Operating System.
Choose one
7++++, I program exclusively in Dot.Net and I've all the frameworks versions installed, just in case. With the Language Packs. My C drive is full.
7+++, I use exclusively Microsoft-branded tools, to be sure my program will run on Windows. I use only official material.
7++, I use a real language encapsulating Win32 API calls, like Delphi 4+. I do nice 'VB like' user interfaces.
7+, I use a C++ compiler. It happens that I code programs which work right away as intended.
7, I only use the Win32 API when I have to, and I code in pure C or Java.
7-, In the good ol' time, I used to do Visual Basic programs. Now I would feel compelled to move to Dot.Net .
7--, For Windows, I only make BATch scripts for DOS, calling my Tcl-Tk applications or DOS executables.
7---, When I really have to, I develop Console programs in Delphi, Free Pascal or C++ .
7----, I don't do any Windows programming any more. I converted to cross-platform programming. I do everything in Free Pascal, C or PHP.
7?, Windows gets in ready-for-use, and it works nicely. Why develop? In case of trouble, I just wait for the next version...
!7, You don't have to know if I do any ZinDoZe programming.
A good many geeks suffer through the use of various versions of Microsoft's Windows running on or as a replacement for DOS. Rate your Windows Geekiness.
Choose one
w+++++, I am Bill Gates
w++++, I have Win 3.0, Win98 and WinNT Advanced Server all running on my SMP RISC machine. I haven't seen daylight in six months.
w+++, I am a Windows programming god. I wrote a VxD driver to allow Windows and DOS to share the use of my waffle iron. P.S. Unix sux.
w++, I write Windows programs in C and think about using C++ someday. I've written at least one DLL.
w+, I have installed my own custom sounds, wallpaper, and screen savers. I never lose Minesweeper and Solitaire
w, Ok, so I use MS Windows, I don't have to like it.
w-, I'm still trying to install MS Windows and have at least one peripheral that never works right
w--, MS Windows is a joke operating system. Hell, it's not even an operating system. 95 is how may times it will crash an hour.
w---, Windows has set back the computing industry by at least 10 years. Bill Gates should be hung, quartered, disembowelled, and then REALLY hurt.
Many geeks have abandoned the character-based computer altogether and moved over to the Macintosh. It in important to give notification of your Mac rating.
Choose one
M++, I am a Mac guru. Anything those DOS putzes and Unix nerds can do, I can do better.
M+, A Mac has its uses and I use it quite often.
M, I use a Mac, but I'm pretty indifferent about it.
M-, Macs suck. All real geeks have a character prompt.
M--, Macs do more than suck. They make a user stupid by allowing them to use the system without knowing what they are doing.
Cross-platform Programming
One of the most interesting Geek habilities is that, being a jack-of-all-trades, he's particularly welcome in the cross-platform programming and integration. In the web world, it also means habilities to create cross-platform, cross-browser websites. Is this your case?
Choose one
Z++++, I natively code for my own portable framework, which I made during the years, in assembler.
Z+++, I use only one language, emulators, cross-compilers, and published standards.
Z++, I'm proud to be able to free myself from the platform, in Java, C, Pascal or PHP.
Z+, I try to be the most portable as possible. Else too bad. I use the W3C Validator.
Z, I sometimes think about it, but not always. I mix assembler, Java, Pascal, PHP...
Z-, I don't see the point. We have only one platform.
Z--, I only do Java. It's cross-platform.
Z---, I can't do so because I use a proprietary framework like Dot.Net .
Z----, I refuse to do so. Anyway my source code is encrypted or obsfucated.
Z-----, That's impossible with my programs, optimized to the bones for the target architecture.
Z?, Cross-development ? Crossed how many ?
!Z, Whether I cross or not is none of your business.
The last few years has seen the rise of the political geek. This phenomena is little understood, but some theorize that it has come about because of the popular media's attempts to demonize the Internet and computer use in general, and the government's willingness to go along with it. Others propose that the aging geek population has simply started taking an interest in the world around them. Some support the "Sun Spot" theory.
the World Outside
The Geek and the outer world. Quite a frightening thought. Help us understand your point of view.
Choose one
F++++, Everybody's nice, everybody's beautiful. Flower power.
F+++, I don't think Geeks are different from other people.
F++, I love my neighbour, and my neighbour loves me.
F+, I succeed in talking with non-Geeks.
F, I fell well integrated into society.
F-, There is a society of normal people, but I feel I don't belong to it.
F--, Everybody else is mad, I'm the only normal person. They all should have treatment.
F---, 'Normal' people are stupid, they shouldn't have voting rights. Geek Power!
F----, Fuck Society, Fuck The World, Anarchy will prevail, No God, no master.
F?, Society? Which society? All my friends are Geeks.
!F, I don't really give a sh*t to those societal questions.
Political and Social Issues
We live is a society where everyone not only has a right to, but is expected to, whine and complain about everyone else. Rate where, in general, your political views on different social issues fall.
Choose one
PS+++, Legalize drugs! Abolish the government. "Fuck the draft!"
PS++, I give to liberal causes. I march for gay rights. I'm a card carrying member of the ACLU. Keep abortion safe and legal.
PS+, My whole concept of liberalism is that nobody has the right to tell anybody else what to do, on either side of the political fence.
PS, I really don't have an opinion; nobody's messing with my freedoms right now.
PS-, Label records! Keep dirty stuff off the TV and the Internet.
PS--, Oppose sex education, abortion rights, gay rights. Rush Limbaugh is my spokesman.
PS---, Repent left-wing sinners and change your wicked evil ways. Buchanan/Robertson in '96.
Politics and Economic Issues
Choose one
PE+++, Abolish antitrust legislation. Raise taxes on everyone but the rich so that the money can trickle-down to the masses.
PE++, Keep the government off the backs of businesses. Deregulate as much as possible.
PE+, Balance the budget with spending cuts and an amendment.
PE, Distrust both government and business.
PE-, It's ok to increase government spending, so we can help more poor people. Tax the rich! Cut the defense budget!
PE--, Capitalism is evil! Government should provide the services we really need. Nobody should be rich.
With the birth of the overused buzzword "The Information Superhighway", concerns over privacy from evil governmental bad-guys{tm} has led to the formation of of an unofficial, loosely organized band of civil libertarians who spend much of their time discussing how to ensure privacy in the information future. This group is known by some as "cypherpunks" (by others, as anarchistic subversives). To this end, tell us how punkish you are.
Choose one
Y+++, I am T.C. May ('Crypto-anarchist Manifesto' author)
Y++, I am on the cypherpunks mailing list and active around Usenet. Orwell's 1984 is now. I'm a member of the EFF.
Y+, I have an interest and concern in privacy issues, but in reality I am not really all that active or vocal.
Y, I'm pretty indifferent on the whole issue.
Y-, All of these concerns are a little extreme. The government must be able to protect itself from criminals and us from indecent speech.
Y--, The only people that need this kind of protection are people with something to hide. Cypherpunks are just a little paranoid.
Y---, I am L. Detweiler ('Anonymity on Internet' FAQ and 'the Theory of Nymity' Author).
Pretty Good Privacy (aka PGP) is a program available on many platforms that will encrypt files so that prying eyes (particularly governmental) can't look at them.
Choose one
PGP++++, I am Philip Zimmerman
PGP+++, I don't send or answer mail that is not encrypted, or at the very least signed.
PGP++, I have the most recent version and use it regularly.
PGP+, "Finger me for my public key".
PGP, I've used it, but stopped long ago.
PGP-, I don't have anything to hide.
PGP--, I feel that the glory of the Internet is its anarchic, trusting environment. Encryption just bogs that down.
PGP---, If you support encryption on the Internet, you must be a drug dealer or terrorist or something like that.
PGP----, Oh, here is something you all can use that is better (insert Clipper here).
Geeks love to play. No matter their age, all geeks enjoy playing. Of course, the object of this entertainment takes a myriad of different forms. What is it that pushes a geek to play? Is it simply a desire to relive their childhood? Or perhaps there is a piece of geeky genetic code that requires intellectual stimulation. Who knows, maybe it's a Freudian thing...
Leisure type
Your main leisures.
Choose one
T++++, programming a hardware driver so that my Oric-1 can talk to my iPad.
T+++, I enhance old programs to revamp them to modern tastes.
T++, I play.
T+, I chat on social networks like Facebook or Twitter.
T, I watch TV.
T-, I read computer magazines to discover what they are.
T--, I listen to music, I go to drawing or art exhibitions.
T---, I practice drawing, music or some other art.
T----, I practice meditation and I try to detach from the material plane to enter the astral plane.
T?, You don't get any leisure when you've kids.
!T, You don't get any leisure when you've kids.
Main Leisure
Entertainment can be very diverse for a Geek.
Choose one
S++++, I manage my websites and my machines, and sometimes I have fun trolling the dummies.
S+++, I manage my websites and sometimes I watch trolls having fun on Internetummies.
S++, Me and my Geek friends always have something fun to do. Repairing an Apple ][ for instance.
S+, My Geek friends always have something to do that I can watch.
S, I relax with a group of friends, not all Geeks by the way.
S-, It happens that I see my friends having some entertainment. I support them.
S--, I shout in demonstrations or at the stadium.
S---, I watch TV. I read Internet forums.
S----, I don't really have leisures, out of my computers.
S?, I don't even understand the concept of 'leisure' or 'entertainment'. My work is entertaining. And the reverse.
!S, My leisures are my own business. Nobody needs to know that I don't really have some. I work hard.
Which kind of music do you listen?
Choose one
m++++, There was no valuable musician since the airplane crash of Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens.
m+++, There were no singers since the death of Brassens and Brel, and commercial music is at the bottom of the hole.
m++, I only buy the album of a musician after he proved his value, usually at the 3rd album. I defy from quickly-made 'stars'.
m+, I listen to anything as long as there is a melody, ie as long as it is music ;-)
m, I listen to all modern music types, on the radio or on MTV. I'm not very difficult.
m-, Tam-tam, Didgeridoo, Djembe and other african drums. Sometimes reggae or Byb Dylan. With some mary-jane.
m--, I lways listen to the current a la mode musical style for youngters, and I change with them. This way I always stay young.
m---, I listen only american rap and R'n'B, the rest is sh*t.
m----, Only 'musicals' and sound tracks from TV series. I love "Mozart the musical".
m?, Music? What's music exactly ? Peronally I love Pierre Boulez.
!m, My musical preference is only my tympans' business.
Which kind of games ?
Choose one
J++++, all that follows, but principally MMORPGs.
J+++, all that follows, but principally network PC games (LAN parties).
J++, all that follows, but principally solo PC games.
J+, all that follows, but principally 'true' electronic games : Xbox360, Atari, TiviPad...
J, I play a bit of everything, without excess. I have a PSP and I also play on my iPhone.
J-, all that follows, but also general public electronic games : Playstation, Wii...
J--, all that follows, but principally table games : RPGs, parlour games...
J---, card games but moreover boardgames.
J----, only some card games.
J?, I rarely play (I know I'm not normal).
!J, I refuse to tell you which games I play, because your accreditation level is not ultraviolet.
Role Playing
Role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons have long been a part of the traditional geek life. Because geeks often become so involved in their role-playing that they lose touch with reality, include one of the following role-playing codes.
Choose one
R+++, I've written and published my own gaming materials.
R++, Life is the roll of the die. I know all of piddly rules of (chosen game). _MY_ own warped rules scare the rest of the players.
R+, I've got my weekly sessions set up and a character that I know better than I know myself.
R, Role-Playing? That's just something to do to kill a Saturday afternoon
R-, Gosh, what an utter waste of time!
R--, Role-Players are instruments of pure evil.
R---, I work for T$R.
R*, I thought life WAS role-playing?
Many geeks have lives that revolve around television.
Choose one
tv+++, There's nothing I can experience "out there" that I can't see coming over my satellite dish. I wish there were MORE channels.
tv++, I just leave the tv on, to make sure I don't miss anything.
tv+, I watch some tv every day.
tv, I watch only the shows that are actually worthwhile, such as those found on PBS.
tv-, I watch tv for the news and 'special programming.'
tv--, I turn my tv on during natural disasters.
!tv, I do not own a television.
In addition (or maybe on the other hand), many geeks have lives that revolve around books.
Choose one
b++++, I read a book a day. I have discount cards from every major bookstore. I've ordered books from another country.
b+++, I consume a few books a week as part of a staple diet.
b++, I find the time to get through at least one new book a month.
b+, I enjoy reading, but don't get the time very often.
b, I read the newspaper and the occasional book.
b-, I read when there is no other way to get the information.
b--, I did not actually READ the geek code, I just had someone tell me.
Simply the geekiest comic strip in existence. for more information.
Choose one
DI+++++, I am Scott Adams.
DI++++, I've received mail from Scott Adams. I'm in the DNRC (Dogbert's New Ruling Class).
DI+++, I am a Dilbert prototype.
DI++, I work with people that act a lot like Dilbert and his boss.
DI+, I read Dilbert daily, often understanding it
DI, I read Dilbert infrequently, rarely understanding it
DI-, Is that the comic about the engineers?
DI--, Don't read it, but I think the dog is kinda cute.
DI---, I don't think it's funny to make fun of managers trying their best to run their organizational units.
There is a game out for the PCs and other computers called DOOM. It's a 3D virtual reality simulation where you race around and blow things away with large-caliber weaponry. This has led to a series of similar games such as the Star Wars themed Dark Forces. Tell us about your abilities with these 3D games. (yes, some of them aren't actually Doom. Cope!)
Choose one
D++++, I work for iD Software.
D+++, I'm a DOOM God. I can solve the original maps in nightmare mode with my eyes closed.
D++, I've played the shareware version and bought the real one and I'm actually pretty good at the game.
D+, It's a fun, action game that is a nice diversion on a lazy afternoon.
D, I've played the game and I'm pretty indifferent.
D-, I've played the game and really didn't think it was all that impressive.
D--, It's an overly-violent game and pure crap
D---, To hell with Doom, I miss Zork.
D----, I've seen better on my Atari 2600
Geeks, unlike the lower lifeforms known as nerds, have lives. They have things to do that are in the outside world. Of course, this is usually done with other geeks, but that's not the point. The point is, that geeks are not necessarily the outcasts society often believes they are. The fact is that society isn't kool enough to be included in our activities.
All geeks have a varying amount of education.
Choose one
e+++++, I am Stephen Hawking
e++++, Managed to get my Ph.D.
e+++, Got a Masters degree
e++, Got a Bachelors degree
e+, Got an Associates degree
e, Finished High School
e-, Haven't finished High School
e--, Haven't even entered High School
e*, I learned everything there is to know about life from the "Hitchhiker's Trilogy".
Tell us about your geeky home.
Choose one
h++, Living in a cave with 47 computers and an Internet feed, located near a Dominoes pizza. See !d.
h+, Living alone, get out once a week to buy food, no more than once a month to do laundry. All surfaces covered.
h, Friends come over to visit every once in a while to talk about Geek things. There is a place for them to sit.
h-, Living with one or more registered Geeks.
h--, Living with one or more people who know nothing about being a Geek and refuse to watch Babylon 5.
h---, Married, (persons living romantically with someone might as well label themselves h---, you're as good as there already.)
h----, Married with children - Al Bundy can sympathize
h!, I am stuck living with my parents!
h*, I'm not sure where I live anymore. This lab/workplace seems like home to me.
Social Attitude
Geeks, unlike lower life forms known as nerds, can have social relationships. His high intelligence usually makes his attitude relatively reserved towards others. Tell us more about your social attitude.
Choose one
A++++, Every and each Man bears a sparkle of goodness, from godly origin. I'm feeling concerned by all.
A+++, I'm member of a charitable organization. Man is Good by nature. Society is imperfect.
A++, The fate of my neighbour is important to me. I listen a lot and I often give in the streets.
A+, It happens that I show interest into someone I don't know. Rarely.
A, I'm pretty indifferent to others as long as I've nothing to ask them. And it's rare.
A-, I ask nothing to nobody, thus don't ask me anything. Man is evil by nature.
A--, The only others that matter to me are family, customers and suppliers.
A---, All others are slaves to the System and, at worst, class enemies.
A----, I don't give a sh*t about others, I don't even see them. I'm sufficient to myself.
A?, Social attitude ? What does 'social' mean ?
!A, My social attitude is not your business at all (see A---)
While many geeks are highly successful at having relationships, a good many more are not. Give us the gritty details.
Choose one
r+++, Found someone, dated, and am now married.
r++, I've dated my current S.O. for a long time.
r+, I date frequently, bouncing from one relationship to another.
r, I date periodically.
r-, I have difficulty maintaining a relationship.
r--, People just aren't interested in dating me.
r---, I'm beginning to think that I'm a leper or something, the way people avoid me like the plague.
!r, I've never had a relationship.
r*, signifying membership in the SBCA (Sour Bachelor(ette)'s Club of America). The motto is 'Bitter, but not Desperate'.
r%, I was going out with someone, but the asshole dumped me.
Geeks have traditionally had problems with sex (ie, they never have any). Because geeks are so wrapped up in their sexuality (or lack of sexuality for that matter), it is important that the geek be willing to quantify their sexual experiences.
Choose one
x, a female
y, a male
z, a person (gender undisclosed)
Choose one
z+++++, I am Madonna
z++++, I have a few little rug rats to prove I've been there. Besides, with kids around, who has time for sex?
z+++, I'm married, so I can get it (theoretically) whenever I want.
z++, I was once referred to as 'easy'. I have no idea where that might have come from though.
z+, I've had real, live sex.
z, I've had sex. Oh! You mean with someone else? Then no.
z-, Not having sex by choice.
z--, Not having sex because I just can't get any...
z---, Not having sex because I'm a nun or a priest.
z*, I'm a pervert.
z**, I've been known to make perverts look like angels.
z?, Sex? What's that? I've had no sexual experiences.
!z, It's none of your business what my sex life is like (this is used to denote your gender only).
!z+, Sex? What's that? No experience, willing to learn!